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MVFM Sexual Harrassment Policy

MVFM Sexual harassment policy

Meander Valley Community Radio (MVFM) takes seriously
the matter of sexual harassment. All people associated with
the station are expected to be aware of this policy and act


Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:
A. Staring, leering, patting, pinching, touching, or unnecessary
B. Sexual jokes, comments or conversations about sexual matters
C. Persistent or unwelcome demands including requests to go out,
where they are refused, or even subtle pressures for sexual favors
D. Accessing or downloading sexually explicit material from the
E. Suggestive comments about a person’s body or appearance
F. Sending text messages, emails or making telephone calls of a
sexually explicit nature
G. Unwelcome advances made through social networking sites
H. Sexual assault (also a criminal offence)
I. Indirect sexual harassment, such as volunteer overhearing lewd
remarks, displays of offensive material such as posters, screen
savers, internet material, pornography appearing on pop up boxes
on the computer, etc


1. MVFM 96.9 is an environment free of sexual harassment
2. The objectives of this policy statement are to ensure that:
MVFM members are aware of their rights in relation to sexual

harassment and are aware of their responsibilities in ensuring
that MVFM is an environment free of sexual harassment. So, the
policy is brought to the attention of all people associated with the
3. All reports of sexual harassment will be taken seriously, treated
with empathy, and investigated to an appropriate extent. If you
are sexually harassed, you are encouraged to notify the station
manager or the presented of the committee of what has occurred
and you will be informed of the complaints procedure.
4. Disciplinary action may be taken in relation to a breach of this
5. MVFM members will be respectful of underage people involved
in the station and will be aware of inappropriate relationships
between adults and underage people.

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